Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP stands for the study of Neuro- how we think, Linguistic- how we communicate with and without words, Programme- the patterns of our behaviour and emotions. It is a behavioural technology comprising of guiding principles, attitudes, and techniques about real life behaviour.

NLP is initially the work of Richard Bandler and John Grinder who modelled successful people. In their modelling they were able to capture the processes that led to the success of these people in their chosen careers, so that this model could be taught and successfully applied to other people. This NLP modelling enables us to identify behaviours that is weak or detrimental and replace it with an ideal chosen behaviour.

Our sub-conscious mind does not easily accept change or be controlled by us. It will continue to do things that it does instinctively. NLP helps you have a greater influence on your mind by learning to speak to the mind in language it understands and responds to. It is a kind of hypnosis as it allows us to accept new thoughts and realities and for this reason NLP techniques are often used in a hypnosis session.

The benefits of NLP can be broad as it is about how you train your mind and gives you the tools to set new directions in your life. It can set the foundation for persuasion and influence, quality life skills and practical business applications as well as providing opportunities for clearing emotional disturbances and negativity from our lives. In all NLP can provide big benefits to our lives.

Major organizations, sportsmen, educators, and individuals (especially politicians) use NLP to greatly increase their performance in their respective fields. There are many free resources on the web for learning NLP .