When you do a detox, you remove toxins or poisons from your body, which have accumulated from life including the air you breathe, the foods you eat and in the medications we are prescribed. A detox cleanse can be very beneficial and can make you feel a lot healthier, although you need to make sure you do the right detox for you.
The benefits from a detox include :
Remove Excess Waste
It is possible that you are carrying around excess fecal matter in your body. This excess waste can add on weight and just make you feel lethargic. When you do a detox, you can clean your colon and eliminate all this excess waste you are carrying around.
Clear Unwanted Emotional Baggage
Detox not only clears these stored ‘poisons’ in our body but it also stirs up the emotions that are held with it. People are often shocked by these stirred up emotions and don’t understand why they are having them during a detox. These emotions are unresolved issues that were held in the body and are now surfacing during the detox, but by not adequately dealing with these emotions again causes them to be stored back in the body. Read how
Releasing supports you to clear these emotions during a detox.
Increase Energy Levels
Having a lot of toxins in your body can decrease your energy levels.
Strengthen Immune System
Your body will be able to fight off illnesses better because it is not filled with contaminants.
Increase Mental Focus
When you don’t have these toxins in your body anymore, you will be able to concentrate better and have more creativity
Clearer Skin and Shinier Hair
Getting rid of all the toxins in your body can actually make your hair look shinier and clear up your skin.